Photos: Allied Propaganda

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This is Nazi Brutality, by Ben Shahn, 1942. Printed by the Government Printing Office for the Office of War Information. Poster refers to the destruction of Lidice.
Don't Let That Shadow Touch Them by Lawrence B. Smith, 1942. Produced for the Government Printing Office for the U.S. Treasury. American children are threatened by the shadow of the swastika.
The Sowers by Thomas Hart Benton, 1942. One of a series of eight paintings in which Benton portrayed the barbarity of fascism.
We French Workers Warn You . . . by Ben Shahn, 1942. Printed by the Government Printing Office for the War Information Board. Poster warns that a Nazi victory would mean "slavery, starvation [and] death."

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Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.

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